Certifications | LA Metro D/SBE

Alpha 3 is pleased to announce our certification as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and a Small Business Enterprise (SBE) by Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro).
Our local team will bring extensive engineering, procurement, and construction experience in roles including engineering and design support, project controls, program management and dispute resolution. Alpha 3 looks forward to supporting Metro projects, such as the exciting Vision 2028, both directly and as a subcontractor.
Prime consultants and contractors in need of a top-notch DBE/SBE partner will find Alpha 3 ready to apply our core competencies of project management, engineering, and design to Metro projects. This certification is also recognized by all US DOT recipients in California; therefore, we can be found in the California Unified Certification Program (CUPC) database to help meet participation goals set forth in RFPs.