Accomplishments | Mark Sanders Elected to AACE Board

Alpha 3 is proud to announce our Director of Projects, Mark Sanders, has been elected to the 2021-2022 Board of Directors for AACE International.
Last month he officially settled into his appointment as Secretary (formerly known as the Vice President – Administration). Of his new role, Mark says “I really enjoyed participating on the Certification Board, and I’m looking forward to serving as Secretary on the Board of Directors. The mission of AACE is very important to me, because I see so many projects and organizations that can benefit from better cost engineering practices. I’ve been a member of AACE for 20 years, and I’m still learning from other members every year. I’m excited to continue to help promote and grow AACE around the world”.
His responsibilities include membership services, keeping meeting minutes for both the Association and the Board, maintaining a roll of members, conducting all official correspondence of AACE, organizing ballots required to be submitted to the membership, and overseeing administrative functions of the headquarters office. Congratulations to Mark and best of luck with this new post!